Det är en blogg som objektifierar män i alla former. Jag fullkomligt älskar tanken bakom det. Det är två tjejer som driver den och de har verkligen tänkt bakom konceptet och lägger inte bara upp en massa bilder för att:
"We honestly don’t mind women being objectified by men from time to time. Honestly. What we do mind is how women are being objectified to a far greater extent than men, and we hate what this is doing to the hegemonic power structure in our society.
This is all about prevail, which means that a person or group in society have priority on the interpretation of something. In our society, that group is men. Basically, men seize the power to reduce women to sex objects, because they are at the top of the hierarchy. Or worse: women give men the power to reduce them to sex objects.
That is what Maleobjects is about; women taking the power to objectify men. Women are generally considered to be givers of sex, while men are receivers. It sucks that the sexuality of men is applauded and admired, but women’s sexuality is hushed up, as if it’s something shameful.
We just wanna live in a society were we can objectify each other equally. that’s our utopia."
Jag brukar vanligtvis läsa bloggen under dagar när jag är så urbota trött på allt vad män heter, det vill säga mellan två och sju dagar i veckan! Jag vet inte, men jag mår alltid lite bättre efteråt!